My favorite time of the year begins 11/1. I love fall and Thanksgiving. I love winter and Christmas. Many of my favorite foods are in season during cold weather. I also run hot all the time, so this is a welcome reprieve in temperature change so I can stop sweating and wear more than basketball shorts and sleeveless shirts (which is also a bold fashion statement).
The end of the year is a great time to reflect on the year thus far. To celebrate successes, lessons learned from failures, and things to improve for the new year. This reflection activity itself is the output of basic needs being met at a level that allows time and energy to be spent on ways to improve. There are many out there who are consumed by trying to survive day to day; keep the A/C running and food in their children’s stomachs. To them, reflection is just another luxury they cannot afford. Hustle. Survive the day.
This is where we come in. If you have made it to this blog, you probably already understand the benefits of microgreens. Unfortunately, they are typically thought of as an add-on or some type of fancy salad. What they really are is a gorgeous nutrient concentrated version of the full-grown plants that in many cases are subjectively better tasting and easier to eat. They are also more affordable as they take less space and time to grow. This makes them perfect for people who are in most need of macro and micro nutrients, which is often the same people who struggle to afford higher quality foods or are shut-in someplace that does not have them available.
For the rest of the year any new weekly subscriptions will also guarantee at least one pack of microgreens delivered to a local charity or food pantry already working with people in emergency food situations. I will also make this retro-active for existing subscription customers.
Thank you for the support and I am excited to grow with even more love this season.